And speaking of that, we don't know if Sony will just find a means to close this system in the future. For example, while the official info is that PS Now users will be ported over to PlayStation Plus Premium at no extra cost, we don't know if this is for the entire duration of a stacked sub or just for a certain amount of years - it wouldn't be too surprising if Sony imposed some form of cap to limit this loophole. Now, there are some big unknowns with this right now so it's worth taking into consideration an element of risk. Some folks on social media have reported being able to use a specific PS Store product page to stack as much as a full decade of PS Now in anticipation of getting all of that in the Premium tier too. Prices taken from PlayStation store on 16 April, 2022. However, like PS Plus, PS Now subs can be stacked, and should your whole PS Now subscription be ported over to the Premium tier, you could save an enormous amount of money. Three games worth over Rp1,567,000, available to download now for all PlayStation Plus members. You will have to access to grab this PS Now subscription via desktop and on a web browser, but not on a mobile device or your console. As a result, this page will show the best and latest PlayStation Plus deals for all subscription lengths starting with the 12-month membership. Given that 12 months of the Premium level costs $119.99 this represents a 50% discount on the new, top PS Plus tier.
Right now you can go to the PS Store website (in the USA) and get a 12-month PS Now for $59.99 which will then upgrade and seamlessly transition into PlayStation Plus Premium come that June rollout.

However, there's a clever route to saving money available to those after the lofty Premium tier - and that's to buy, and potentially stock up, on PS Now, well, now. With news of the new-look PS Plus coming last week, folks have been looking for the best PlayStation Plus deals to take advantage of ahead of the June transition time.